Summertime Sessions Success!

1106F300-CCDC-4D1C-9200-239B752AAD09.jpgThanks to local Athens residents finally having a place to pursue their ping pong passion, we consistently get great attendance at two weekly sessions hosted by East Athens Community Center for about 5 months now!

All 3 tables are set up twice a week with nets at regulation height and the room has great lighting. Newcomers and advanced skill level athletes are welcome and basic stroke technique coaching and training drills are available.

Beginning July 2017, we will be having Tuesday night open play sessions from 6:30-8:30pm and Saturday open play sessions from 1:00-4:00pm. This is set to be the schedule for the rest of the year but check back often, here or on the facebook page, for news and updates.

Looking to the future, we need to get a tournament quality table with the ultimate goal of helping East Athens Community Center host a table tennis tournament in Fall 2017.

Thanks for viewing!